Why do I need RO Water ?
Our bodies are more than 80% water. We ought to drink at least 2 liters of water a day to remain healthy. Our bodies act as natural filters, so if the water isn't perfectly clean, any harmful chemical in the water supply become gradually absorbed into our systems. It's not a pleasant thought, is it?
What's Really in Your Tap Water?
You turn on the faucet in the kitchen and watch as
your glass fills with clear water. You assume it's clean because it's
been treated by the city or county. Just what's really in your tap water
and how can you protect yourself?
Natural Impurities
Many impurities in water occur naturally and don't come from a manmade
contaminant. Radon, arsenic, iron, lead, and copper all occur naturally.
Just how much is in your water supply will vary according to where you
live. Natural impurities in concentrated levels can be just as damaging
and dangerous to the body as manmade contaminants. Don't rely on your
city or county to test water correctly and do not assume that just
because it's supposed to be 'safe' to drink that it is. How many times
in history has a 'safe' amount of something been disproven later?
Manmade Contaminants
Other contaminants such as fertilizers, pesticides, asbestos, and
industrial chemicals can actually leak into your water through the soil
or your plumbing pipes. Some substances such as chlorine and fluoride
are often purposefully added to water to kill bacteria or eliminate
cloudiness. While chlorine does kill some bacteria (not all), levels
used in water supplies can be extremely high and may pose other health
risks. Some cities choose not to use fluoride because of possible side
effects and others choose to use it because of advantages. I have our
water tested every six months and we live in the country, far from the
pollutants you would find in a city.
Living Organisms
Water can also contain viruses, bacteria, and parasites. In our area of
the country there are chicken houses and cattle farms. They aren't in
our immediate area but runoff from these places can easily seep into the
water supply. Animals in large processing plants are a breeding ground
for parasites and bacteria. Common bacteria found in animal waste can
include e. coli, botulism, listeria, salmonella, giardiasis, norwalk
virus, and even syaphylococcal bacteria. All are nasty and some can even
kill you.
Protecting Yourself
I don't go out and buy all bottled water. Mainly because it's horrible
for the planet and plastic can be linked to cancer. I do always filter
the water we drink, have our water tested at least twice per year, and
since we have a spring I have a better idea of where our water comes
from. When we bought the property our house sits on, I checked the area
to find out what kind of animal processing plants there were, what
factories where in the area, and even checked up on the local waste
(trash) pickup.
Knowing what to look for in water is the best step to preventing any
sources of infection or poisoning. I am diligent about protecting our
water supply but even if you use city water, you can still have it
tested yourself before you put it in your body.